S Block, The Delhi High Court, New Delhi

Nation Building

Delhi High Court Gets New Building with Exemplary Democratic Architecture

‘S block’, the new building in the Delhi High Court, is an example of Democratic Architecture, with open offices providing greater transparency and equity in seating space. The Delhi High Court embarked on a plan to upscale its capacity in the last decade, with the ‘S block’ accommodating a multitude of activities that shall power the future readiness of the institution.

A few of its constituents, The Delhi International Arbitration Centre and Judicial Convention Center, have been constructed with an 18-room arbitration facility, a comprehensive court service, an auditorium with 285 seats, 200 lawyers’ chambers, meeting rooms, a lawyer’s cafeteria, and administrative offices across six floors. It’s a green building that leans towards passive green design and uses a large hovering cantilevered crown to shade the external envelope. Cavity walls and double-glazed windows add to the thermal comfort while economising the energy bills. It’s a zero-discharge building that would reuse all its wastewater and solid waste. It also uses technology to bring 30 per cent more fresh air into the spaces, enhancing productivity for its users.

Nation Building
32606.788 sqm