Sainik School, Gorakhpur
Where Patriotism Meets Education: Building Future Leaders in Nature's Embrace
Proposed to be located in the historical and cultural node of Uttar Pradesh- Gorakhpur, the Sainik School is an administrative facility that will provide military training to the students who aspire to join the Indian Armed Forces. The school is proposed on 50 acres of luscious green land with a major thoroughfare passing through its middle. This public roadway divided the entire site into two land parcels that organically offer two varied pockets of 14 acres and 36 acres, respectively, for the two specific requirements of academic and residential zones.
Design Forum International has envisioned the architectural vocabulary of the Sainik School, Gorakhpur, to be such that it narrates the tales of patriotism history has blessed us with. Through this institute, the firm has attempted to curate a holistic built environment that inspires the students to embark on their journey towards nationalism by joining the Indian Armed forces amidst serene and sustainable built forms nestled in the lap of nature.